The DNA of what we have started must be carried on for centuries. We cannot do that without those that will live the future” Mike Kibrige Musisi.

Shaping Informed, Engaged, and Influential Young Leaders to challenge the social economic and leadership bottle necks of their future

The Young Leaders Mentorship and Debates Championships project aims to identify, nurture, and empower talented young individuals to become informed, engaged, and influential leaders in their communities.
By combining mentorship with debates championships, we foster critical thinking, effective communication, and leadership skills essential for addressing local and global challenges, we as well use it as an alternative to balance the logic of ideologies upon which our modern civilization and leadership structures are built


  1. Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills among young leaders
  2. Enhance public speaking, debate, and communication skills
  3. Foster mentorship relationships with experienced leaders
  4. Promote civic engagement, social responsibility, and community involvement
  5. Create a network of young leaders for collaborative impact

Pairing young leaders with experienced mentors

Regional and national competitions

Workshops, seminars, and online resources

  1. Equip 500+ young leaders with essential skills and knowledge
  2. Increase civic engagement and community participation
  3. Foster a network of 100+ mentors and young leaders
  4. Enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion in mentorship and participation
  5. Contribute to a more informed, engaged, and influential youth population with the ability to add a voice to our community challenges using social media
  1. Participant satisfaction and feedback.
  2. Pre- and post-program assessments of skills and knowledge.
  3. Mentorship relationship evaluations.
  4. Alumni tracking and leadership progression.
  1. We have established partnerships with institutions of learning.
  2. We have developed a self-sustaining model through alumni cells.
  3. We are making sure that we create a scalable and replicable program.

During our fundraising drive through schools, our team leaders often said

The Young Leaders Mentorship and Debates Championships project offers a unique opportunity to invest in the next generation of leaders. By supporting this initiative, you will contribute to shaping informed, engaged, and influential young leaders poised to drive positive change in their communities and beyond.” and we wish you find it important to click our donate button.

African Liberty Foundation is an emerging economic think tank dedicated to promoting a free and prosperous society in Uganda

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